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20 avril 2008

L'alimentazione italiana

Nelle riviste francesi si vedono pubblicita permarche italiane:

Saclà = salsa per la pasta per esempio il pesto

Lavazza = caffè  rappresenta l' eleganza

San Carlo = patatine

Nutella = cioccolato


Nei supermercati di Rouen e dintorni si possono trovare :24007304_p

- pasta : Giovanni Rana; Barilla


- risotto : Riso principe

- salse : Savino

- pizze : Buitoni; Turini


- biscoti : Stirenti

- cioccolato : Ferrero


- panettone : Caserta

- vino : Chianti; Bardolino


- birra : Nastro Azzurro

- caffè : Sagafredo; San Marco


- pesce in scatola

- prosciutto crudo

- formaggi (parmigiano o mozzarella )

- olio d'oliva : Carapelli


Certe marche hanno di italiano solo il nome :

° Giovanni Panzani (Francese)
° Jambon d'Aoste => (Aoste è una cittadina Francese)


La pubblicità italiana in Francia

Ci sono molte pubblicità di prodotti italiani che possiamo vedere alla televisione, troviamo :

Barilla :

Kinder :

Nutella :

Segafredo :

29 janvier 2007

A word from your English assistant!

Hello, my name is Kathryn and for those who don’t know me, I am the English assistant here at Lycée Val de Seine. I will be here until April, so if anyone has any questions about English or


or needs any help, don’t hesitate to find me (you can ask any of the English teachers). Today I am going to write a little bit about my impressions of


since I arrived here in October, because life in


is certainly a little different to life in



 Firstly I must say that everyone has been very friendly since I arrived here and I have felt very welcome, I like your school a lot, even though I was very lost and confused at first. Schools in


are different to those I was used to in


. For example, when I went to school in


there were pupils from the age of eleven to eighteen in one school. All of the pupils up to the age of sixteen had to wear a school uniform, so everyone looked the same and most pupils took sandwiches to eat at lunchtime, so I found the canteen here very busy! Another difference is that in


when you reach year 12 (1er) everybody chooses three or four subjects to study and can stop all of the others. Pupils then take exams in only three or four subjects in year 13 (terminale). Here in


of course, everybody must continue with nearly all subjects, which is probably a very good idea because as I stopped maths when I was sixteen, my maths is terrible!

 Outside of school, I have also noticed many things that are very different. Food is one thing which is certainly a change for me. Although we eat lots of the same things in


as you do in


, I think that maybe food is more important here in


! Everybody loves to talk about food all of the time, even when they are in the middle of eating! There also seems to be a lot more choice in the supermarkets. For example if I want to buy yogurt or cheese, there is so much choice I end up feeling quite confused! I love the food in


especially the cakes and pastries, I have a very sweet tooth! However, there are also certain things from England that I miss, for example baked beans (white beans in tomato sauce that come in a tin), orange squash (a type of cordial which is made into a drink by adding water), gravy (a sauce for meat made with the juices from the meat), cheddar (an English cheese) and my Dad’s roast dinners (a roast dinner is the traditional meal eaten on a Sunday in England, it consists of roast meat, roast potatoes, two or three vegetables, gravy and sometimes a Yorkshire pudding ( all on one plate). Despite missing these few things, I generally do not miss English food too much, because I like trying new things.

Other than the food, I have found other aspects of the French culture different. For example in


it is much more common than it is in


to go out to a café with friends or family to drink a coffee and have a chat. I really like this and I wish we did it more in


. Another thing that I have noticed is that on Sundays in


, nearly everything is closed. In


this is not the case. Nearly all of the shops are open on Sundays and in many ways it is just like any other day of the week. When I first came to


, I found the fact that everything was shut on Sundays slightly annoying because it was difficult to find things to do or to buy the things that you might need. However I have changed my mind as I think it is really nice that everyone can be together with their families on Sundays, as most people don’t have to work. Some things I find very funny in


, for example I cannot quite get used to people kissing me on my cheeks all of the time, I’m much more used to a good old handshake or distant nod of the head! I also fear for my life when I am crossing the road, as it seems that in


drivers don’t really like to stop for pedestrians even when they are on zebra crossings! But, maybe that’s just me not looking the right way when I am crossing the road as you do drive on the wrong side of the road over here in



 So those are just a few of my impressions of France as a newcomer to the country, there have been many more besides, in fact I spent most of my first month in a general state of confusion. However I am now becoming much more used to living the French way and am definitely enjoying it. Thanks for reading my blog, you can always let me know any of your impressions of the


or British people or as I have mentioned ask me any questions!




25 janvier 2007

Le Monete Di Euro In Italia

Sulla moneta di 2 centesimi è raffigurata la Mole Antonelliana,monumento simbolo di Torino(1863).Oggi è il museo del cinema.    

la Mole Antoanelliana è alta 167 metri,questo monumento prende il suo nome dall' architetto che l'ha costruita: Alessandro Antonelli.In più questa strutura inizia la sua costruzione nel 1863 e era destinato alla comunità ébraica.
La Mole ha subito un terremoto del 23 fébbraio 1887 costrinse a modificare il progetto per consolidarlo pero' la mole fu una della  prime costuzioni a venire illuminata.

sur la pièce de 2 centimes est représenté la mole antonellia,monument symbole de Torino(1863).Aujourd'hui c'est le musée du cinéma.
La Mola antonellia mesure 167 mètres,il prend son nom de l'architecte  qu' il l'a construit:alexandre antonelli ,de plus cette structure commence sa construction en 1863 et était déstinée à la communauté ébraïque.
la mole a subi un tremblement de terre le 23 février 1887...

25 janvier 2007

Le monete di euro in Italia

la moneta de 2 euro rappresenta Dante Alighieri (1225-1321), il più grande poèta della lingua italiana.Era fiorentino. Ha scritto la Divina Commedia (l'Inferno-il purgatorio-Paradiso).

La pièce de 2 euro represente Dante Alighieri (1225-1321) , le plus grand poète de la langue italienne.Il était Florentin , il a ecrit la Divine Comedie (l'enfer-le purgatoire-le paradis).


25 janvier 2007

le monete di euro in Italia

La moneta da 1 euro :

Rappresenta l'Uomo Vitruviano di Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519).

E' un disegno che illustra l'uomo ideale.


Il disegno dell'Uomo Vitruviano di Leonardo Da Vinci è :


La pièce de 1 euro :

Il représente l'Homme de Vitruve de Léonard de Vinci (1452-1519).

C'est un dessin qui illustre l'homme idéal.



25 janvier 2007

le monete di euro italiane

La moneta da 10 centessimi rappresenta il viso di venere tratto dal quadro di Botticelli. LA NASCITA DI VENERE. E fra i più altri temi della cultura artistica che questa moneta vuole celebrare.

La pièce de 10 centimes représente le visage de Vénus issu du tableau de Botticelli.LA NAISSANCE DE VENUS, elle fait partie des plus grands thémes de la culture artistique que cette pièce veut célébrer.

Anne-lise et Sandy 1èreL italien LV3

25 janvier 2007

***Le Monete di €uro Italia***

La Moneta da 1 centesimo!


-Questa moneta rappresenta "Castel del Monte",un monumento medievale situato in Puglia.
-Cette pièce représente le château:"Castel del Monte,un monument médiéval situé dans les Pouilles.

175px_It_1cent                            Castel_del_monte3

-vediamo il disegno sulla moneta e la fotografia del castello.
-nous voyons le dessin sur la pièce et la photo du château.


25 janvier 2007

LA moneta di euro in Italia

La moneta da 50 centisimi

Sulla moneta 50 centisimi è raffigurato il Colosseo costruito nell'80 dopo Cristo

Poteva accogliere 70 000 spettatori per combattimenti di gladiatori.

colis_Rome_coliseeSur la pièce de 5 centimes , est représenté le Colisée, construit en 80 après J-C

Il pouvait accueillir 70 000 spectateurs pour les combats de gladiateurs.


Ophélie 1°L

25 janvier 2007

Le monete di euro in Italia

 La moneta da 20 centesimi rappresenta la scultura di Umberto Boccioni chiamata Il Simbolo. Nelle sue sculture, Umberto Boccioni ha voluto interpretare la sua immagine del futuro. In questa scultura, L'artista ha immaginato un corpo umano in movimento.Il suo periodo artistico è Il Futurismo.


La pièce de 20 centimes d'euro représente la sculpture d' Umberto Boccioni appelée Le Symbole. Dans ses sculptures, Umberto Boccioni a voulu interpréter son image  du futur. Dans cette sculpture, L'artiste a imaginé un corps humain en mouvement. Sa période artisque est le Futurisme.

                                                                            Clémence 1ère L
                                                        Italien LV3

25 janvier 2007

le monete di euro in italia

La moneta da 50 centesimi rappresenta la statua equestre di Marco Aurelio. E situata sulla piazza del campidoglio a Roma. Marco Aurelio era un imperatore romano. La perioda è l'antichità.


La pièce de 50centimes représente la statue équestre de Marc Aurèle. Elle se trouve sur la place du capitole à Rome. Marc Aurèle etait un empereur de Rome dans l'antiquité.



Emilie et charlotte 1ere L
Italien LV3

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